A downloadable game

Hardship! Sorrow! Fates worse than death and all that! Get ready to reach unspeakable heights with Warlock's Tower! In this game, winner of the SBGames 2015 "Best Game Design" and "Best Development Game" awards, your mission is to deliver a peace offering to the Evil Warlock, which has been draining the world's energy with his black magic. But beware! Playing as Mailman Tim alone or with his spunky sidekick, the girl Jess, it won't be easy to survive, for the tower is a labyrinth of cursed rooms, which drain the life of it's trespassers with every step they take!

Will you be able to reach the tower's top floor and restore peace to the entire planet? Or will you perish, in this place forsaken by the very Gods themselves?


  • AMAZING 8-bit flavored graphics and sfx/music! Feels like playing your GameBoy™ again!
  • 5 DIFFERENT WORLDS, each with its own theme (dungeon, factory, warehouse, library and laboratory)!
  • TONS and TONS of MIND-BREAKING puzzles! Find keys, pull levers, lower gates, push jars, ride treadmills, teleport around... you NAME IT!
  • DIFFERENT TYPES of DANGEROUS MONSTERS to trick and escape from, each with its own behavior and movement pattern!
  • Play with a friend (OR WITH YOURSELF) in the Tag Team stages! Alternate between two characters to reach the end of the rooms!
  • JOYSTICK SUPPORT for the desktop! And incredible mobile touchscreen controls! INCREDIBLE, we say!
  • A wacky sense of humor most will mistake for stupidity.

For more information, please visit our certainly delicious hotsite here!

StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
Made withLÖVE
Tags2D, 8-Bit, chiptune, Game Boy, LÖVE, Top-Down
Average sessionA few minutes
LanguagesEnglish, Portuguese (Portugal)
InputsKeyboard, Joystick, Touchscreen
AccessibilitySubtitles, Interactive tutorial
LinksHomepage, Twitter


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(1 edit)

Solution to play Warlock's Tower on Android 14 64-bit devices:

I wanted to play this game on my Google Pixel 8 but it won't install any app that was not compiled for 64-bit ARM and does not target at least SDK 23. I decided to make a 64-bit build of the correct version of the LOVE 2D engine myself!

Solution: Get the .love file from your bought game (in the .apk it's inside the "assets" folder) and install and use love-android-0.10.2-arm64-v8a.apk as described here: https://archive.org/details/love-android-0.10.2-arm64-v8a

Enjoy! 🧙‍♂️

where is the download option?

we can't purchase this game DRM-free??

Soon it will be possible! ;)

is it soon yet?


I talked to devs on twitter for my review about this and they said as of now gamejolt is only place for drm-free for this title

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The new newsletter is out, faithful followers! Click this link if you wanna live a fuller, happier life: http://tinyletter.com/midipixel/letters/what-we-ve-been-up-to

Hey, faithful itch.io friends! We've started publishing bi-weekly Changelogs through our newsletter. The first one is out, you can read it and check out the news here:


If you like it, you can sign up to the newsletter and receive news directly in your inbox. Each time we'll be closer to the game's release, so stay tuned, folks!

Just a question that I'm sure you've been asked a lot. Will it be free on full release?

Most likely not! Warlock's Tower won't be expensive, however, as we want a lot of people playing it! :)

Been meaning to try this out for a while now, and I'm glad I finally did! Very well-designed, simple but makes gets surprisingly tricky.

Thank you! We're glad you enjoyed it, we tried to keep the game challenging while at the same time don't make a too steep learning curve. :)

If you liked the game, consider voting for us on Greenlight :) It would really help us make the game come true: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699408523

This is very nice!

Too bad I can't handle the upper levels.

Thank for the Let's Play, Iwan! You did a very fast playthrough of our demo, so congrats! :D


I really really enjoyed to play this game! Loved the puns and everything ahhah! 10/10 IGN :P

Obrigado, Vycemor! ;)

can u play this puzzle game it s hard 


Excellent, fun little game. Challenging but not too complicated. Can't wait for more.

Thank you so much for playing our demo! :) The full version of the game is probably going to be a little tougher than this version, but we're sure you'll will enjoy it as much as this one.

That was a good little puzzle game! I really enjoyed it and didn't want to stop playing till I had finished it!

Thank you for playing! There will be a lot more stages in the complete game, so just you wait!

(5 edits)

Great! really fun puzzles.

made with Love2D :)

Yes! We're making it with Love2d (https://love2d.org/) :D

(1 edit)

Im getting into making something soon. I want LUA and Love2D ( i think) . Could you perhaps message me or answer a quick Q's ?

1. how did you make a game with no engine/gui editor ?

2. what did image program did you use to make your ace graphics!

Well, let's see:

1) Love2d is no engine, but it is a very powerful framework! And on top of that, we are using several libs from its official Libraries page, which truly helped us along the way. As for the GUI editor, our game isn't really UI heavy, so that doesn't come out as a very big problem for us. And even in that case: there are some nice UI Love2d libs already written. Take a look at them!

2) We used Photoshop, but there are 2 awesome tools for pixel art which we strongly recommend: PyxelEdit and ASEprite. They are not at all expensive and very easy to use. Check them out! :)

Many thanks :)

Nice game, addictive mechanic :)

Thank you so much for playing! And I'm happy to say that there is more from where these mechanics came from! ;) Just you wait!

Great little game. I've subscribed to your mailing list. Looking forward to seeing more. :)

Thanks, Chris! :) We're glad you enjoyed our demo, there's a lot more coming! We'll keep you posted ;)


Really Like it

Thanks, my friend! :)